Early Detection Redefined
THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE in the United States have taken advantage of thermography, which uses a patented DITI system.
A PATENTED DITI SYSTEM detects infrared radiation to measure the physiological activity in your body. This clinical test is supported by 30 years of research and over 8,000 published medical studies.
THE PROCEDURE takes less than 20 minutes, requires no physical contact, no liquids to drink, contains no radiation, and is 100% safe and FDA-approved. You will see "bio-markers" that can reveal how efficiently your organs are functioning. Your thermal patterns are assessed by standards set by doctors at Johns Hopkins University.
YOU'LL APPRECIATE DITI'S ABILITY to "see" inflammation, nerve, and vascular changes that are invisible to X-rays and MRI.
Published medical research at cancer centers in the United States has estimated DITI CAN DETECT early changes relating to breast tumors forming two to five years before a mammogram will find growth.
Over 23 years ago in the 2002 October issue of Health, researchers refer to thermal imaging's ability to reduce the need for breast biopsy by 20%. They also confirm DITI combined with mammography offers an increased accuracy rate of 97%. No medical referral is required.
What It Can Detect
& Monitor?
Back Injuries
Nerve Damage
Unexplained Pain
Dental and TMJ
Artery Inflammation
Digestive Disorders
Vascular Disease
Breast Disease
Breast Cancer
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Disc Disease
Inflammatory Pain
Skin Cancer
Referred Pain Syndrome
Sprain / Strain
Stroke Screening
vs MRI or Ultrasound
Ultrasound, M.R.I, X-ray, and C.T. scans are all tests of 'anatomy' that measure the structures of your body. Whereas thermography is unique in its ability to show the physiological change and metabolic processes occurring in the body. Although many people associate thermography as a breast screening, images can be taken of the entire body or just regions of interest. The digitized images are stored on a computer and are sent electronically to a medical doctor certified in thermal interpretations, for analysis and report. Your report is sent directly to you within two to three days and to any healthcare professionals requested.
Additional Information
The Best Breast Test: The Promise of Thermography
Beth is a Certified Clinical Thermographer by the American College of Clinical Thermology (ACCT)