Dress for the Day

Discover Your Visible Voice

Many of us have spent years clarifying who we are, healing from past wounds and discovering our own innate gifts. We are now being called to share our authenticity with others and it is time to be visible, to allow your inner beauty, essence and wisdom to come through clearly so others may receive you and your message without distortion, confusion or filters.

The focus of this class is learning to "wear who you are", in other words to choose and wear clothing that magnifies your physical energy and soul essence. When you do so, you will feel supported on many levels and show up with amazing clarity, beauty and power. Ultimately you will be able to tailor both your wardrobe and home décor so that it accurately reflects who you are from the inside out.

Discover how colors support your aura(energy field) in seven different ways- Grounding, Attracting, Magnifying, Connecting, Neutral and Calming. You will watch how fabrics feel different on yourself and each classmate. This is my favorite part: when you start to feel the vibration on yourself and others. Everyone leaves this class in awe and disbelief of the transformation that takes place in less than 5 hours. Please reach out if you would like to talk to any of my previous students to hear first hand how this class has change their lives.

This discovery process is way more than a class about how to dress or fashion. It is a journey about self-revelation and transformation in beautiful, fun-filled way.

  • Aligns you with your true nature and vibration

  • Enhances your visibility and natural beauty

  • Connects you to your body and its rhythm in a real way

  • Allows you to be received more clearly and authentically

  • Promotes ease and simplicity in shopping

  • Saves Money, in that you only buy what truly works

  • Facilitates your understanding of others and personal differences

  • Increases your feelings of well-being and confidence

  • Supports your innate abilities to manifest what matches you

  • Empowers you to be more fully present wherever you are

  • Conserves energy in interpersonal exchanges

  • Builds trust in relationships

The Benefits

I have people comment when I wear certain pieces… They notice something is different, but can't pinpoint what it is.

After attending your class, I went home and cleaned my closet of so many pieces that were just wrong for me. I found I love wearing clothing in my colors! And I have people comment when I wear certain pieces (attracting colors). They notice something is different, but can't pinpoint what it is. I happily share about the class and also highly recommend it! -Vicki S

Dress for the Day Workshop

In this workshop you will discover your unique vibrational signature using 100s of carefully chosen fabrics. You will also learn an attunement practice and truly experience the feeling of "showing up" in colors and textures that enhance your authentic soul self. And to assist you with shopping, you will take home your very own Shopping Guide consisting of all the fabrics and colors that vibrate only YOU!

This workshop includes:
• 4+ hours of hands-on learning where you will learn and see how fabrics vibrate on others in your class as well as yourself.
• A personalized, fabric-filled shopping guide created uniquely for you (a $165 value).

Cost of the Class is $310 (deposit of $155 to hold your spot-nonrefundable but transferable to another date -$155 due day of class)

Classes are offered monthly and limited to 8 people per class. Special discount to Party Gatherings (5-8) for the host.

Schedule a complimentary consultation